By Great
United Kingdom
Are there any cloches suitable to cover a whole raised bed?
22 Mar, 2010
Hi Pottingmad. My beds are 2x1 metre
22 Mar, 2010
I've not seen any but does not mean they don't exist - try a google search on large cloches.
22 Mar, 2010
Yes there are. I have just been looking at a catalogue from Harrod (no 's') Horticultural [] and they have them, but they are by no means cheap!!!!
I am sure that there are other sources on the web.
22 Mar, 2010
Many thanks for the website I'll have a look
23 Mar, 2010
Hi Everyone. I was thinking about the advice Pottingmad gave to me about making my own cloche to cover my beds. My raised beds are 2x1 metre. I have been looking around and found 'build a balls and some metal tubing.(don't want to use cane sticks as they tend to split). I'm not sure have many balls to buy or how big the tubing should be. vertical tubing comes in 16mm x1.5 m 16mm x 1,5m or 16mm x 2m: The horizontal tubing comes in 12.7mm x 0.5 12.7mm x 1m or 12.7mm x 2m phew anyone got any ideas? The tallest veg I will grow under the cloche is French beans and cabbages
24 Mar, 2010
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22 Mar, 2010