By Peanuts
United Kingdom
Squirrel games. Last year when bulbs died back I put labels in the ground to mark where they were to plant round them, planted a load of alliums, again put labels in the ground to mark where they were. Those pesky squirrels obviously think its funny to pull them all out. Not one left and they are randomly thrown round flowerbed. Guess I'll just have to wait and see for this year where I put everything. Anyone else got squirrels that play pesky tricks on them... how do you mark out where things are, wooden labels obviously don't work here.
14 Jan, 2014
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plant labels
before they die back , belt a wooden stake into the ground near where its growing and mark on it with indelible ink the name and as a guarantee keep a note in a note book and hope the squirrels wont pull them up.
14 Jan, 2014
stones with the name on and then varnished. can be very pretty and less likely to be moved around. I also have magpies that take them off too.
14 Jan, 2014
Bulba uses stones SBG but the varnish does darken over time making the writing difficult to read.
15 Jan, 2014
Hmm blackbirds and magpie's hey. have lots of those too. Like the idea of stones, saw that in another garden. Will have a think. thanks for the advice.
15 Jan, 2014
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Could also be blackbirds they are notorious for yanking labels out of the ground and tossing them around… sorry no solution!
14 Jan, 2014