By Great
United Kingdom
weather looks bleak again what will all my gardening friends do today in their gardens in London town
4 Apr, 2010
Down here we've got warm sunshine, it's a bit windy but nothing like it has been lately.
I'm pottering about, moving a few things around a bit, trimming a few shrubs to keep them in shape, just planted a Canna ... gold with orange speckles on ! These are new for me so anything could happen ;-)
The Aquilegias have shot up in the last few weeks and now have buds on, so i'm checking these too - along with all the other perennials which are also shooting away !
I'm in here now though, as i'm putting off cutting the back grass .... can't get the enthusiasm to do it :-/
Maybe a cup of tea will help ;-)
4 Apr, 2010
Enjoy the cup of tea Louise :-)
4 Apr, 2010
Warm and sunny, shredding so that we can actually get to the compost heap. Have to find jobs to do which do not involve a. walking too much. b. bending my toe. Not easy as I have already been through the sales plants cleaning and so on while it was raining. Stopped for lunch now as I have run out of bags for the wood shreddings for the moment.
4 Apr, 2010
Just planted tumble tom seeds, and potted on larger tomato plants in a friend's greenhouse (all mine this summer as they are away). Going to plant cucumbers a little later on as they are still babies. Cold breeze but raining on an off all morning. Will get some guttering tomorrow to plant my peas in.
4 Apr, 2010
fine here today but very windy pauline, i cant motivate myself to do anything, thats why im on here answering questions lol,i need a bag of composs which i could get 2 mins round corner at nursery, but my son working and will probably end up chatting for ages and spending on plants hahahha
4 Apr, 2010
Think I need some sunshine I'm bored inside!! Can not do any shredding as shredder is broken again!! Used to eat 12 boxes of tomatoes a week, now I can't stand them!! I need compost 2, but the battery has died on the car! Like Louise my Aquilebras are putting out leaves but mine have no buds yet! The leaves are so pretty though. I think I will join Fractal and have a cup of tea. oooh just remembered the chocolate eclair waiting for me in the fridge.
4 Apr, 2010
sunny but cold here again unfortunately~ but warming up a bit next week ~ hopefully!
4 Apr, 2010
Cammomile how much guttering do you buy and how many peas do you sow? I can never work out how many of each plant to grow to feed a family of 4. So any help would be great. I have sown 20 pea seeds into coir pots then once they grow I can just dig a hole and put them in my raised bed. have thought of guttering many times but haven't done it yet. Can you use this method for french beans to?
Hi Arlene great it will warm up when I go back to work, wish I had a magic wand ha ha
Sandra I need compost to wish it would magic its way to my door!!
4 Apr, 2010
Well, i 'did' cut the grass, it's the one job i don't particularly like out there .... i loathe edging-up afterwards too :-((((
The wind's got up really strongly again now :-((((
The bird feeders are almost horizontal - and yes .... the poor little birds are clinging on for grim death :-/
More of the same for the next few days aswell - boo hoo, i hate strong winds
4 Apr, 2010
Cold wind but sun is attempting to show, but sitting by log fire designing a grden for someone drinking tea and eating Easter egg! I did brave it to harvest some kale, but the dog will soon track it down in the garden and chew on it, just like the lettuces. Going to warm up a tad here over coming week, but not by much.
4 Apr, 2010
Hello Nickyt08. The dog looks gorgeous Ah a log fire sounds really cosy! I find fires quite soothing. We have central heating which doesn't really heat up the hse as I have such high ceilings. Designing a garden , I need to redesign mine, if you look at my photos you will see what I mean!! I went out in the garden a while ago I was going to plant up a very small hanging basket but it started to rain, so back inside I came. I have a dog to - Magic why do they like to eat our veg before we do?????? Don't we feed them enough!!! lol I quite often see Magic nicking the cabbages and chomping away; she looks quite guilty when I catch her at it
4 Apr, 2010
apart from dodging the really heavy showers I have been pulling sycamore & honesty seedlings as well as ivy and couch grass that is in amongst trees and stumps. I keep telling my self it will be done one day soon. 4 1/2 hrs later I offered to help hubby in his tasks.
so helped clean out the garage to remove all traces of mice :o( a lot of damage to the angling stuff. all nets chewed to pieces.
may spend a little time in the greenhouse once Iput the tea on to cook.
4 Apr, 2010
ive been out in garden sorting pond out, its been lovely and sunny here, a bit windy but not cold, baz going to just make sure my digging is level lol, then hope to get the liner in before tonight as it may rain tomoz, ive took 2 wheelie bins of water out and dont want it filling up again grrr :o))
4 Apr, 2010
Haven't grown peas in guttering before but I have a packet of peas with about 100 peas inside so I think this would be enough for a family of 4. Apparently you can slide them off the guttering into a shallow trench - but I am not sure if you have to make holes in the guttering - I suppose you put the end stops on so as not to lose all the soil. I am going to google it and see what comes up. Just did and on the 'grow your own' website they say not to make holes as you can't get the roots out - but to put the end stops on and give them a good watering before sliding them into a growing position.
4 Apr, 2010
you will have to drill holes along guttering cammomile for drainage and block the ends so when it rains soil doesnt wash away
4 Apr, 2010
lol Louise- bird feeders horizontal boy the wind must be really strong where you are!
Cammomile thanks for looking the guttering up, I'm sure I saw it on Gardens world once they didn't put holes in the guttering I think your right about the roots.
Sanbaz you and your pond, I do feel sorry for you it will come right like I said, seems like your making it happen
4 Apr, 2010
Honesty, SGB are they the flowers that have seeds the size of an old penny, rather pretty looking?? Sounds like you have all done alot.
As for me Ive done nothing too cold and wet. I did venture out to plant up a small hanging basket but got rained on so gave up!!
4 Apr, 2010
yes they are Great. they are a pretty annual but you can have too much of a good thing.
4 Apr, 2010
I think the birds like them to. How big do the plants grow?
4 Apr, 2010
Previous question
« how do i stopmy australian cabbabge palm to stop growwing ??..can i cut it ??
Well, up in the North East (Northumberland), the weather today is mild with intermittent sunshine so not bad at all. However, the heavy rain of the last couple of days means I cannot get onto the ground so we are both in the same boat!
4 Apr, 2010