United Kingdom
i have just started growing auriculas and am having problems with either over watering or not enough watering. can someone please give me advice on this problem
On plant
15 Apr, 2010
Also only water from the bottom.
15 Apr, 2010
If you think that they might want watering, leave them for another day or two before you do it.
15 Apr, 2010
There speaks a man who avoids watering at all costs :-)
15 Apr, 2010
...unless you forget to come back in a day or two!!
16 Apr, 2010
He has just been chastised for having left 5 pots of aubretia, 2 of saxifrages and 1 of campanula in full sun - unwatered - for over 2 weeks! They are now watered and we will get them into the ground on Sunday.
16 Apr, 2010
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If they are in pots, lift the pot and get to know what it feels like when the compost is wet and dry. Never leave the pot sitting in water in a saucer. Use a soil based compost ( John Innes no 2) not soggy peat based.
15 Apr, 2010