By Celiajones52
United Kingdom
I have a wide border in front of the living room window facing north. At the moment I fill it with bedding plants (pelargoniums or bizzy lizzies) as I like colourful plants. In the past I have had roses but they grew too tall and then had ground cover fairy roses but they did not grow well. Any ideas for something colourful about 2 ft - 2 ft 6 ins high?
8 Feb, 2014
As it faces North, knowing which part of the country you're in would be very helpful. North facing in London is a very different thing from North facing in, say, Leeds.
9 Feb, 2014
I grow hostas, aqualegia and various geraniums - the perennial type and they all thrive in a north facing border. You are right about roses, I have a climber which reaches the roof every year and has to be hacked back ruthlessly.
9 Feb, 2014
I have two north borders.Nothing as tall as you want though. I have two varieties of variegated euonymus fortunii, alchemilla mollis, lily of the valley, a red euphorbia robbiae whose name I forget (doesn't run) and an omphaloides. In the spaces I put annual begonias and daffodils. At the ends there's a pieris, an azalea and a skimmia.
9 Feb, 2014
Here's a few ideas - dicentra spectabilis (bleeding heart), solomon's seal, honesty (a biennial), astrantias, campanula trachelium, and for later colour phlox
9 Feb, 2014
how about lavender? you can get different colours as well, i had a white one which smelt lovely.
9 Feb, 2014