By Hackneyrobin
London, United Kingdom
Mystery shrub 1: can anyone please tell me what this shrub is? It has dark purple, pointed leaves and red stems. In late summer (I think..) it produces fairly insignificant tiny white flowers. I cut it right down in January and it is growing up straight again - but by late summer the stems will be sagging. It was planted by the previous owner and the closest shrub I can find in my gardening encylopedia is atriplex, but I'm not sure.
- 25 Apr, 2010
It's a shrub - doesn't disappear over winter.
25 Apr, 2010
oh .. sorry don't know then but i'll be interested to find what it is
25 Apr, 2010
it looks like Persicaria Red Dragon. and is an herbacous perennial. grows well and gets knocked back by very hard frosts. Shrubs are woody this isnt.
25 Apr, 2010
Thank you!
29 Apr, 2010
is it a shrub or a herbaceous perrenial if it disappears ?
25 Apr, 2010