By Hackneyrobin
United Kingdom
Mystery shrub 2: and can anyone please tell me what this shrub is? I can't find anything quite like it in any of my gardening books. It is flowering now, with very frilly, unscented, round white flowers. It has bright, almost lime-coloured leaves.

25 Apr, 2010
I agree, it is lovely. Is your plant flowering now? if it is it could be Exochorda (pearl bush). If it flowers later in the year, it might be a Philadelphus (Mock Orange) Sorry can't be more help.
25 Apr, 2010
I thought of philadelphus?
25 Apr, 2010
It's just come into flower now. Thanks!
25 Apr, 2010
It might be the pearl bush. the leaves are a very bright yellowy green. there is one in the village just opening.
25 Apr, 2010
Hmm, thanks, could be. The buds are certainly pearl-like!
25 Apr, 2010
It certainly looks like the pictures I've seen of Pearl Bush, including obviously being a member of the Rose Family.
26 Apr, 2010
Don't know sorry, but its beautiful!!
25 Apr, 2010