United Kingdom
How to get rid of grapes hyacinths
17 May, 2010
The bulbs at least are fairly shallow so they are easy to dig out. They were selling 5 in a pot for £3.99 at Ashwoods Garden Centre a month back. In that case I must have thrown away £399 worth of them last week alone!
17 May, 2010
Grape hyacinths just will not grow for me. Yet I have other plants that pop up everywhere. Funny how differently plants behave from garden to garden. Some bulbs burrow down deep over time.
17 May, 2010
They are a total menace in one part of my garden - even though i dug the patch over several times, and removed as many bulbs as I could, including little tiny ones, they still came up this spring - like llttle single green spikes. I had to pull SO many out - and I'll do the same next spring until they give up.
17 May, 2010
Same here Spritzhenry. I have to dig them out every spring only for them to pop up again the following year. They have become my least liked flower so not going to give up. I WILL win eventually.
17 May, 2010
I'm with you Rohima - never have liked them and now they seem to know it - as fast as I uproot in one part of the garden they appear elsewhere ! : o ( ( ( (
17 May, 2010
I agree - I wil NOT give up - I like this particular small flowerbed and the plants in it, and I don't want grape hyacinths covering it, but they would in no time if I left them!
18 May, 2010
dig them up if needs be put them into pots and grow them that way or sell them
17 May, 2010