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By Hank

Cheshire, United Kingdom

A very weird tree

I tried to ask a question a short while ago but think I failed. So to repeat - my daughter has a tree in her garden i'd like to know the name of ( to impress her with my knowledge ). Can someone please " name that tune' I mean tree ? 2 pics below, 1 shows the tree and 2 shows the trunk and it's weird attachments.



The photos have come out sideways, no worries. I think it's a Floss Silk/Silk Floss tree (Ceiba speciosa) - saw one in Abbotsbury sub tropical Gardens in Dorset once. Hope this impresses your daughter!

13 Mar, 2014


It could be a Silk floss tree I saw one in Florida a few years ago

13 Mar, 2014


Hi Hank, definitely a silk tree, but I would say it's more likely to be Ceiba pentandra, or white silk tree, grows to a height of between 80 and 230 ft, with a spread of 15 to 80 ft, Ceiba speciosa is more a succulent tree, with a very fleshy trunk, and this one doesn't look fleshy to me, {I could be wrong though}, it's name has been changed to Chorisia speciosa, but is synonymous with the old name, Derek.

13 Mar, 2014


Don't lean on it Hank!!

13 Mar, 2014


Silk Floss it is, thanks, but my daughter eyed me with suspicion at my casual remark so I had to own up to asking elsewhere.

And thanks for the warning S, No, it's far too dangerous to get too close to.

13 Mar, 2014

How do I say thanks?

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