By Rosemac
United Kingdom
What is the best way to dig up an invasive bamboo, I don't really want to use pesticides because I have several toads and frogs that dine on snails and slugs.
31 Mar, 2014
... And she was aged 84 when she finished digging them all up. LOL.
Bamboo can be very invasive and are are one of the fastest growing plants on earth. They send out rhizome underground which spread rapidly causing lots of problems if not contained.
As Ladyessex1 said, make sure you dig all of the rhizomes out.
31 Mar, 2014
Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure...
1 Apr, 2014
Ha! Ha! Myron, do I lookas if I have aged that much LOL.
To tell you the truth is wasn't that hard to get some of it out, jus took me about 3days, I bought it as Black Bamboo from Shhhh! T & M but it never did turn black, I have some more in the garden & thats been in yrs now, & that didn't turn Black either Grrr! Good thing is it makes Great Small Canes :o))
4 Apr, 2014
I dug mine up with the garden fork and a lotta elbow grease lol, I just kept digging as roots of mine didn't go down that far they just mainly were speading out sideways, make sure you get all of it of it will start to grow again, I was aged 64yrs then lol.
Good Luck Rosemac :0))
31 Mar, 2014