By Amy
United Kingdom
I have the normal purple variety of wild violets growing everywhere in my garden, this morning I was suprised to see a few plants close together with lemon flowers is this unusual ? I haven't seen them before

31 Mar, 2014
We have masses of the violet ones Cammomile they are almost like weeds this took me by surprise ,it wasn't just one plant there's about 3 plants growing close to each other with several flowers on each one ...
31 Mar, 2014
I have them growing all over the lawn, they look lovely.
31 Mar, 2014
I have lots of the violet ones and occasionally get white ones but have never had one with lemon flowers.
31 Mar, 2014
Rogi are your violets a lemon colour ? if so it must be a normal thing for them to do ! I've seen white ones Jaykaty but not this colour , I might dig a plant up and save the seed !
31 Mar, 2014
So pretty that it must be worth trying to propagate from (root division if you have a big enough plant) but doubtful that the seed would come true as they would probably be pollinated from the violet ones.
31 Mar, 2014
I'll give it a go Urbanite there's nothing to lose is there ?
1 Apr, 2014
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How pretty. I haven't seen lemon ones before although I have masses of the voilet ones.
31 Mar, 2014