By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Summer bedding. Could anyone in North Shropshire recommend a local plant nursery where they sell a good selection of bedding plants at reasonable prices? Any recommendations would be gratefully received.
2 Apr, 2014
Thanks Urbanite. I have tried Percy Thrower's in the past and they weren't too bad but ideally was after a smaller nursery type place. They are usually not particularly well advertised and hard to find! They are like a little gem tucked away!
3 Apr, 2014
Was looking earlier and Dorothy Clive has a plant dairy on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.
3 Apr, 2014
Bridgemere isn't what it was by all accounts - it used to be superb when it was younger and privately owned, with a lovely man at an enquiries desk who could answer just about any question and called all the ladies Madam. And they grew all their own stuff too. According to a friend who still lives near its all concessions now, selling just about everything but plants...
4 Apr, 2014
Bridgemere is definitely not what it was - it's pretty much a bland faceless chain but because they buy big you can sometimes pick up a bargain. It's certainly no longer a place worth a special journey but if you live in that area then it's probably no worse than many of the chains.
There's a lovely nursery between leicester and Hinckley - about half a mile from a chain GC. Nursery is great for plants but the GC gets my money when it comes to bags of compost and 'end of season' sales.
5 Apr, 2014
There is a small nursery (the name escapes me) just opposite Percy Throwers near Shrewsbury. It's a small set up an I had some wonderful pansies called 'cat whiskers' from there and they were very good.
6 Apr, 2014
Have you tried Percy Thrower's in Shrewsbury. There's also a chain Garden Centre on the Shrewsbury by-pass (I think it's the Bishop's Castle turn off).
Further north there's Bridgemere (a bit hit and miss these days on price and quality but may be worth a drive out of a Sunday afternoon if you're not too far away).
From my last visit over that way, I seem to recall quite a few small roadside places on the roads around the Dorothy Clive gardens - and DC may well have a plant sale coming up.
3 Apr, 2014