By Mels72
United Kingdom
new to gardening by the way !, im needing some ideas , ive only got a small budget , problem is my garden is quite large and square, which is great for kids to run about and play football , problem is its looking quite bare and myu fencing is quite high so need something to make it look pretty
8 Apr, 2014
Scroll down to the bottom of this page then choose S then small garden ideas, it should give you lots of ideas from members, and questions answered on the subject, hope it helps, ask again if you need any more help
8 Apr, 2014
Beg plants from friend's gardens and buy cheap at fetes and plant sales like we did. Nearly all of my garden started this way. It started off with no garden just rough grass.
8 Apr, 2014
Morrisons and Lidls are also great for well priced plants.
8 Apr, 2014
Gardens open for charity are good for ideas, and often have a stall selling plants cheaply as well. Most Garden Centres should have a leaflet of Yellow Book Gardens open in your county by now.
8 Apr, 2014
With a limited budget it is better to spend it in a small area of the garden rather than spread a few plants around a big area. It you can put some trellis at right angles to you fences you can grow climbers up them. This has the added advantage of making the garden appear more compact. If you stagger the trellis, this will reduce the squareness. The pound shops have lots of cheap (shrubs at the moment as well as fruit bushes. Seeds are also relatively cheap. If you concentrate the planting around the area where you are likely to sit, you wont notice the larger barer areas behind the trellis and this area can be planted later.
Lots of garden centres sell of plants in late spring relatively cheaply. Things that have finished flowering for this year, like rhodendron and azaleas are often half price in our local nursery.
Good luck with your new garden.
8 Apr, 2014