United Kingdom
Can anybody, tell me where i can buy ORCHID
Compost from?...I have tried various places, even tried
GC today, who informed me that i would have to buy it
in bulk, as this is the only way they sell it...
I only want to repot 3 Pots....i do hope, somebody has
an answer for me, as my poor Orchids really need
30 May, 2010
I've seen in B & Q and our local independent GC has in small bags - it 'should' be readily available.
30 May, 2010
Our local B & Q only have the feed for Orchid`s, i will have to try another branch....Thank you both for a quick reply, you have been very helpful....
30 May, 2010
Spotted it today our local garden centre...small bags, what a shame you live so far away...:o(
30 May, 2010
Your Garden Centre, seems to have more products than my local Gc
They used to have, almost everything, you could wish for in a garden, used to sell really unusual pots & Containers, now, the owner has sold all that side of
it to a separate Co. in the same Gc Can you believe it! Yes it is a shame
Janey, thanks for thinking of me... i will try in B & Q but a different branch
I may be lucky....
30 May, 2010
Burnham Nursery in Devon would send you some if you get really stuck. They're really helpful there. Have a google and see their website anyway - drool time!
30 May, 2010
Thanks Spritz : ~ )))
30 May, 2010
I got mine from Summerhill Garden Centre ( Basildon ) on the A127 going towards Southend, not to far from you :o) they sell it in small bags too.
30 May, 2010
Thanks Lady Essex...i would never think of venturing that far, as i usually
go to my Local Gc in Brentwood...i do go the 1 you have mentioned, but
only at Xmas time to look at their decorations.....there is also another large
1 on the A127 cannot think of the name...
30 May, 2010
Previous question
Are you near a Wyvale GC?....they sell it in small bags....I got one recently to plant my Egret Orchid bulbs in.....I'm sure I've seen it in B&Q as well....
30 May, 2010