United Kingdom
tis me again, I grew some cuttings last year of chrysanthemums, they did well over winter and are now about 1 and half feet tall, and ready to flower should I pinch them out or is it too late. thanks.
20 Apr, 2014
been out all winter honey, I am just amazed, I took the cutting and they have shot up like weeds, can I still pinch out although they are about to flower, no greenhouse.
21 Apr, 2014
in that case, yes pinch them out. I hadn't realised you had them outside its this mild winter. Mine die down usually but they havenmt this year so I cut them back to 4" about 2 weeks ago.
21 Apr, 2014
seaburngirl thanks honeyxxx
22 Apr, 2014
are they in a greenhouse as they are normally a late summer/early autumn flower.
Pinch them out and then they will reshoot lower down the stem.
They need hardening off really and planting out side.
20 Apr, 2014