By Hank
United Kingdom
Dandelions - Wasting my time ?
I have a half decent small lawn, but dandelions keep coming up here and there. A friend advised me how to get rid of them but was he right ?
He told me to get a short length of 3/4 inch diameter metal tube, locate it on the top centre of the weed, hammer it down about 4 inches, pull it out with the plug in the end and expel it using the hammer along with a length of dowelling into the green bin.
I'm not convinced.
27 Apr, 2014
I think most of us have problems with dandelions. I have a long small weed trowel and dig them out and the just put the earth back in the hole and flatten it..but believe me they will be back...although dandelion flowers attract insects and we need insects for polination...but all the same I donĀ“t like them in my lawn.
27 Apr, 2014
Thanks guys, I may try the " deeper hole " system.
27 Apr, 2014
Verdone is your best option and a lot easier.
27 Apr, 2014
I agree with Myron - used it early in the year on my front lawn last year and what a treat it was not to have dandelions all summer.
27 Apr, 2014
Verdone appears to be the answer. I'll get on with it today, thanks
28 Apr, 2014
Oh boy I'm glad that one has come up again, I have lots of the pretty things in my lawn this year, usually crawl around with my trusty old kitchen knife, tried the weed trowel but always end up leaving a bit behind, cannot spend long on my knees now so been wondering which treatment to use...
29 Apr, 2014
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Hi Hank, it might work for the tap root, but I woul push it down a lot further than 4" maybe 9 or 10, but that would still leave the little roots that come off the tap root, which would regrow, so perhaps not as effective as using a weed killer for grassed areas, Derek.
27 Apr, 2014