By Tyke_uk
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Please could anyone id this ? I have had a large acer for around 13 or 14 years . It is in a large pot and does really well every year . I have notice this growing up the stems .Its powdery and brushes off . Thanks for any advice

17 May, 2014
Thanks . Managed to find it online eventually it's called horse chestnut scale .
17 May, 2014
Scale insect, not fungus. They are little sap suckers that do only limited damage. Remove by hand if possible. I have also heard that a dab of alcohol will knock 'em down. Systemic insecticides can be used but are a bit unfriendly.
17 May, 2014
We use a paint brush and dab methelayted spirits on them.
18 May, 2014
The methelayted spirits worked on mine a few years back.
18 May, 2014
My Cotoneaster that I have in a pot was infested with these the other week and the plant was looking very sorry for itself, there was also a lot of what looked like soot on the leaves by the worst of the infestation. I stood for over an hour removing them with a stick, after which I gave it a good feed and watered it well and also sprayed it as there were some tiny caterpillars. It has picked up now but I keep an eye on it just in case.
19 May, 2014
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It's some form of fungal growth but I don't know which one and what damage, if any, it might do.
17 May, 2014