By Barmyphil
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone, could anyone tell me the best weatherproof marker pen for plant labels, pots, and things? (Spent £20 odd pounds for a pack of Striedler pens,what a waste of money).
27 May, 2014
I use laundry maker pens the type we use to mark kids clothes with they are the best I have had for labels if they can go though washing then they are fine for plant labels.
27 May, 2014
Use a pencil, it doesn't fade and stays legible for a long time. The plus side is the labels can be reused... Just rub a bit of damp soil on them to remove the writing.
27 May, 2014
a carpenters pencil is best .
27 May, 2014
Thanks everyone, think I,ll try the laundry pen.
27 May, 2014
I use a Sharpie - cost something like £1.99p (might even have been 99p) from B&M
27 May, 2014
that's animal cruelty urbanite or im dyslexic lol .
27 May, 2014
What is dyslexic? Heard 2 dyslexic plumbers talking, one said, can you smell gas? The other one said, I can't even smell my own name.
27 May, 2014
lol Myron. Depends which Staedler pens you bought. I always use their indelible fine point and have never had any trouble with it.
27 May, 2014
Why am I being accused of animal cruelty?
27 May, 2014
very good Myron lol . my dogs are called Chinese sharpie and I just think its cruel to use them to mark your tags urbanite .
28 May, 2014
I see. Prefer good old-fashioned Heinz 57 dogs myself.
28 May, 2014
there all good .
28 May, 2014
Hello and good morning all you crazy folk,
29 May, 2014
good morning
29 May, 2014
I use China pencils, had them for ages and have finally found a good use for them. Then I scrape the label with a knife if I want to 're use it.
29 May, 2014
I cant find one to last more than 2 yrs. I use sharpie or statdler. oh bought me a labelling machine and I will have to see how that fares.
27 May, 2014