By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Plant ID please. I came across this ground covering miniature Astilbe in West Ireland, in Killarney National Park. Any idea which variety it might be?

3 Aug, 2014
There are a couple of dwarf Astilbe. A, chinensis var pumila which comes in different forms. There is one called Sprite, another is Perkeo and also William Buchanan. Not always easy to tell the difference in flower colour from a photo.
3 Aug, 2014
and thinking about iti I am sure Hall Farm sell one. Don't know how far away from you that is.
3 Aug, 2014
Owdboggy - Thank you for the identification. I really like Astilbes but mine didn't do very well this year as they dried out too much. ( oops forgot to water them during the heat) Not sure where Hall Farm is - anywhere near Shropshire?
3 Aug, 2014
Owdboggy - oops! Should have done my homework before I replied! Yes, Hall Farm it only down the road from me and yes they sell Astilbe w. Buchanan. Will try to pop down there as some point. Thanks again. :)
3 Aug, 2014
We are about 10 miles further north than them.
3 Aug, 2014
Looks like some kind of astilbe !!!
3 Aug, 2014