By Briangs1944
United Kingdom
I'm having a plague of huge slugs this year is anybody else having the same problem,if so how are you dealing with it?
5 Sep, 2014
I have to get up really early to let the pesky cats out, so I get the barbecue tongs and a bag and I collect them and later on when I take the dog for a walk, I take them down to the woods and shake them out of the bag. I can't kill them simply because I can't stand to see anything dead! So basically I transfer them somewhere else..
5 Sep, 2014
Thanks folks.I'm the same don't like killing anything.
5 Sep, 2014
I use pellets. It works and is simple. There are repercussions as I know have more Caterpillars, Vine Weevils and other pests taking their spot.
5 Sep, 2014
I dont like to use pellets because the birds then might eat the slug that has eaten the pellet and then dies. I gather mine and dispose of them in our council compost bin which is collected weekly.We have had absolutely hundreds this year.
5 Sep, 2014
Slugs have a place in the world, but like you I don't want them all over my plants. It's mainly those little beige ones that seem to do the most damage, but whatever I find, i put them in the compost bin where they can happily munch away and help the contents break down. Slugs find their way into that heaven anyway. Killing them is not an option for me.
Never thought of putting them in the council bin. The only problem I see with that is that I think the council use some kind of heat accelerator which will probably kill them anyway?
5 Sep, 2014
Cutting off their heads is the quickest way of killing them. Birds do not eat dead slugs...they barely touch live ones.
5 Sep, 2014
Doesn't putting them in the compost bin make matters worse - lots of food encourages them to breed and then you have slug/snail eggs in the compost.
5 Sep, 2014
You certainly do. I am finding very small slug trails in bought compost which is frustrating if they eat newly hatched seedlings.
5 Sep, 2014
The larger slugs are actually omnivorous therefore don't just eat your plants but many things, even other slugs.
It the teeny beige coloured ones that do most of the damage, I can't for the life of me remember their name.
I let them all have a dip in some extremely salty water!
5 Sep, 2014
Grandmage, I believed that to be true, about birds eating dead slugs and then dying themselves from the metaldehyde. I checked with the RSPB last year - its not true at all, there is no evidence to suggest that birds are killed by this, seems to be a myth we've all chosen to believe, along with bright sunlight on wet leaves causing leaf burn (it doesn't).
6 Sep, 2014
Ah Ok Bam. in a way I am glad to learn of this, I really thought that that was why we have lost many of our floor foraging birds and why they had disappeared. especially thrushes. Thanks for that info. :) I can now use some pellets without worrying!
6 Sep, 2014
I think the EU is going to ban them temporarily next year - metaldehyde is being found in water courses. The problem isn't the metaldehyde, its the fact that most people use far too many - I've been to client's gardens where the ground is practically blue there's so many down. You only need a light sprinkle, repeated as necessary.
6 Sep, 2014
Yes I agree although it is very easy to use too many! I have found the slugs are eating my pansy flowers, something I have never known before.
6 Sep, 2014
Previous question
« Could anyone tell me what these are please? They are full of seeds. I didn't...
Slug pellets - haven't had any trouble since April, when I spread the pellets, though I think I might need to sprinkle a few again now, noticed a few trails here and there this week.
5 Sep, 2014