By Roleigh
United Kingdom
When dead-heading cyclamen, should I pull the dead flower's stem away from the corm (it parts easily) or should I cut the stem?
26 Sep, 2014
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cyclamen plants
I usually snip them at the base if they don't tug off easily. either way it works. if you want seed leave them on but if the stem has gone soggy there wont be any seed so just remove them.
26 Sep, 2014
Don't dead-head them at all! The dying flowers fall off quickly (and can just be picked out with your fingers) and then the stem rolls down into into a tight spiral above the corm. Come next spring the seedheads swell and make a fine feature in their own right. If they are in the garden the seeds will germinate in their own right and give more and more lovely cyclamen.
26 Sep, 2014
Snap Bulba!
26 Sep, 2014
thanks for the question and answers as I found it of help also.
29 Sep, 2014
I have just been tidying up some cyclamen for a show on Saturday and, contrary to what I said above, fingers don't work too well - but tweezers do! If picked out when they fall then you could use fingers to remove the fresh flowers but fingers (mine at least) are too clumsy once the flower has started to decay. Tweezers will get into the tiniest spaces and remove anything.
29 Sep, 2014
Thanks Bulba
29 Sep, 2014
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I've not done it at all. If you leave them the stems curl up like a spring and push the seeds into the ground where they grow into new plants if you're lucky. Otherwise the stems dry off and can just be lifted away. I don't think that applies to the big indoor ones though.
26 Sep, 2014