By Bramhallbill
United Kingdom
Ok call it an impulse buy but I have ordered 2 Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' plants & they will arrive later this month. Full sun or partial shade. At the back of my mind I seem to think they don't like being moved so if I put one in a pot then transplant it to a border will it be ok? Early morning sun or winds can spoil branches so it makes it one for the sunny front but east facing......a slow grower me thinks
On plant
Daphne odora
6 Oct, 2014
I have one facing east and it doesn't seem to mind. Daphnes don't like extremes, so not waterlogged soil and not bone dry either. Growing them in pots can be tricky for this reason as over-watering or under-watering will prove fatal.
6 Oct, 2014
Personally I'd get them both in the ground.
6 Oct, 2014
After losing the same plant after trying to transplant from one garden to another in a new house I would suggest keeping in the pot until you are sure of it's best position. How about just burying the whole pot in the ground until you are sure and then the rootball doesn't get disturbed. Will try that myself when I buy another one!!
6 Oct, 2014
In the front garden the sun gets in abt 10 or later .The front door is south facing. On the left there is a conifer hedge & the drive, Then a 2 ft mini wall at the side & front & a fence on the right & a 3 ft border right round with an island in the middle. Some of the soil is poor & the wall foundations get in the way.Most of the plants are well established but I have gaps in restructuring. The Daphne will only be 4.5 ft after 10 yrs or so (so I've been told!!)
You can see some lay out on an early blog
News from our Front.2 Mix of old and new.
Considering we have lived here 23 yrs ....
6 Oct, 2014
I would avoid the east facing aspect and the early morning sun. Best grown in the ground rather than containers. Mulched with plenty of peat or compost. I was always of the opinion that they were best in dappled shade but a daphne specialist assured me that they are quite happy in full sun. The only criticism I would make is, where were they grown? If they are British grown and hardened off, I would plant ASAP but if Dutch grown in a glass house then I would give them some protection as we have already seen some frosts. I would even consider overwintering them as you won't be getting them until later this month.
7 Oct, 2014
I have lost plants moving pots from shade to shade/sun...just from the cool back door to the front
7 Oct, 2014
Root disturbance. Too wet/Too dry. Morning sun. Daphne is hard to please!!
17 Oct, 2014
Never had a problem personally...
18 Oct, 2014
They came in the post.......really small.......might take 10 yrs to get to 3ft
24 Oct, 2014
How small, 6 inches or even less and where did you buy them from?
25 Oct, 2014
One was abt 5 inches & the other just over 4 inches!!both from Van Meuwen. They are both on a kitchen window sill. My fault for not seeing small print 9 mm sq pot....Sturdy but only 3 inch....
25 Oct, 2014
Then for now you need to keep growing them on in their pots but in a cool greenhouse not a kitchen windowsill where it will to too warm for them.
26 Oct, 2014
The pots were stapled into the box to prevent movement. I will need to move them. My daughter had 2 acers that were tiny indoors & we potted them up 2 yrs later at the front. One died & I planted the other in a tailor made spot. Perfect now
26 Oct, 2014
You can see the acer in my 1st blog "View from the back door"
26 Oct, 2014
Outdoor trees and shrubs, however small should not be in the house as stated before a cool greenhouse or a cold frame just to give them a bit of protection whilst they grow bigger.
26 Oct, 2014
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East facing get the early morning sun...
6 Oct, 2014