By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
When to plant tulips? Confused. Both Pippa Greenwood en Sarah Raven advise different times to plant tulips. Pippa says now and Sarah not till December. Shall I wait 'till it gets a little colder? Was planning to plant them into pots. Any advice great fully received.
29 Oct, 2014
I agree, November but believe Dec is not too late.
29 Oct, 2014
Thanks. Make sense as Nov is between Oct and Dec!! Thanks. Will get planting. Am planning to fill up dolly tub with a lovely mix of tulips!
29 Oct, 2014
29 Oct, 2014
29 Oct, 2014
I normally plant them in first 2 weeks of November. The soil needs to cool down before planting tulips, otherwise if you plant them in warm damp soil there is a danger of them rotting before the bulbs put out roots. As it's still exceptionally mild, I'd wait a bit before colder weather is forecast.
31 Oct, 2014
Your question did make me giggle... dutch with a pic of a bulbfield on your profile asking question on planting bulbs ;-)) Must say that i wouldnt have been too sure either n i am from tulpenland. Succes ermee.
8 Nov, 2014
I think any time in November is ideal as you are planting them in pots......having said that I planted mine three days ago. Always put in a little deeper than suggested. The bulbs and are amazing in April/May as we all know.
29 Oct, 2014