United Kingdom
What is the shortest plant's name?
28 Jun, 2010
is it a quiz?
28 Jun, 2010
must be....
28 Jun, 2010
no ....... its a guest
28 Jun, 2010
only joking
28 Jun, 2010
28 Jun, 2010
There is a genus of Orchids called Aa. I didn't have to google it either as I knew it!
28 Jun, 2010
28 Jun, 2010
Algae - pretty short plant.
Lichens - also a pretty short plant.
Mould - small fungal growth.
Did I win?
28 Jun, 2010
What about ivy?
28 Jun, 2010
Sorry to be a pedant Stjohntongue ;-) Mould/fungi are neither plants or animals and are in their own kingdom. They did however diverge from the animal kingdom very early rather than the plant kingdom. The proof?....... their cell walls are not made of cellulose like plants but a version of Keratin called Chitin. Animal cell walls are made of Keratin. ;-))))
28 Jun, 2010
I still maintain the orchid genus Aa is the shortest name of any plant.
28 Jun, 2010
I knew that about fungi, Fractal. I didn't realise the quiz was real or I wouldn't have said it. ;-))
Guess you win with Aa as shortest name. Who won for shortest plant? :-o
28 Jun, 2010
28 Jun, 2010
Should I point out that Lichens aren't actually plants either, but rather a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae?
But back to important matters......
Stjohn - I think you definitely take shortest plant with your algae :-)
& Fractal for shortest name!
I was interested to rear that Aa was probably so-named just because the botanist wanted it to come first alphabetically - how very scientific!
I wonder how it's pronounced??
28 Jun, 2010
In as high a voice as possible....like the Knights (who say Ni) of Ni. Lol
29 Jun, 2010
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do you mean:
1. What is the name of the shortest plant?
2. What is the plant with the shortest name?
28 Jun, 2010