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By Irish

Dublin, Ireland

do poppies only last one day? or should i look at tay for the reason the petals of my beautiful poppy are scattered on the grass?

On plant royal wedding



Sorry to say it is true, but part of their beauty is in their transience. I believe some new varieties are now available but very expensive, which do last longer, expect it would be advisable to wait till next Spring, when they will be more widely available.Can't n ame any Nursery where they are available now.

31 Jul, 2008


I guess poppies are just like that. If you are away for too long you miss them.

31 Jul, 2008


ah thats ok, tay is off the hook so . and it was beautiful to look at even if it was for just a short time. thanks guys

31 Jul, 2008


know how feel, i get a lovely poppy come into flower, & you only have to blink & its gone, but then another poppy takes its place.

31 Jul, 2008


i have sown some poppy seeds Clarice so hopefully next yr i will have a few to look at

31 Jul, 2008


yeah they are Marquerite,, well as far as i know anyway lol

31 Jul, 2008


Try planting the lovely oriental poppies(Papaver orientale) like Beauty of Livermere or Patties Plum ,there are many in all sorts of pinks reds and whites, they last much longer.

31 Jul, 2008


will look out for these Wyeboy, thanks

31 Jul, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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