By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Lewisia . . . please does anyone have any tips on planting these? I'm planning to put one in a gravel bed but am not sure at what angle (I know they don't like rain in the crown).
20 Mar, 2015
that's what I do too Mg on its side.
20 Mar, 2015
Many thanks Mg and Sbg . . . more or less what I thought. It will go between some largish stones half under a Libertia at 45 degrees, so hopefully that will work.
20 Mar, 2015
Good luck Sheila
20 Mar, 2015
Thanks! If it flowers, I will put up a photo for you . . .
20 Mar, 2015
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Hi Sheila if your gravel bed is flat you could have problems as they really don't like water sitting in the crown. We plant sideways on in crevasses between rocks.
20 Mar, 2015