By Mazziestar
United Kingdom
This plant is in a hedge down the road and I think it's very pretty, does anyone know what it is please? I'd like to buy one. (sorry it uploaded sideways on !)

21 Mar, 2015
Thank you Daylily, I've just looked through hundreds of pics online but didn't find helebore, much appreciated.
21 Mar, 2015
no probs mazzie :)
21 Mar, 2015
To be exact, it is Helleborus x orientalis.
21 Mar, 2015
Just type Hellebore into google images, loads in there
21 Mar, 2015
Yes, Hellebore! They're lovely, start flowering in February and go on for weeks - you can get them in many shades including white, yellow, pink, maroon and purple. If you're anywhere near Burncoose, they should have a selection :)
21 Mar, 2015
Thankyou very much. I've checked them out online and can get them from my local Wyevale centre, (15.99).
21 Mar, 2015
Grief. And to think I sell them at £2.
21 Mar, 2015
I know Owdboggy, I was shocked last summer at the price of their azaleas, £24.99, for one plant with 3 blooms !
21 Mar, 2015
If you want some cheaper then try I have just purchased 3 for £6.95 plus p&p they are good sized plants and in flower. They arrived with 4 days of ordering.
21 Mar, 2015
Cheers Barbarak, I'll definitely check them out.
21 Mar, 2015
Wow - what a good site eurobulbs is. I'm very tempted by their Cyclamen - thank you Barbara k!
22 Mar, 2015
Wish you lived next door, Mazzie. I've been thinning mine out and I would toss them over the fence for you!
23 Mar, 2015
hi its a helebore, I had one seed into my garden a couple of years ago but there are lots of varieties and some very expensive ones too, very pretty :)
21 Mar, 2015