By Hank
United Kingdom
For the first time ever I have seen no slugs at all - NOT ONE ! Have I got away with it this year or is it too early for the little swines ?
26 Apr, 2015
How lucky are you?
I trip over them all around the garden even though I have slug pellets down. Last week I saw an orange slug "like a donkey" about 5 inches long coming down the wall from next door.
I've spent all winter collecting eggshells for the Hostas though any other ways to keep slugs at bay would be appreciated.
26 Apr, 2015
It's been a very dry spring so i don't think conditions have been too favourable for them.
My Phlox paniculata, Echinacea and Rudbeckia goldsturm usually get murdered but this year, they're great....even the Delphiniums have got away with it.
26 Apr, 2015
They were out in the rain last night. Not many of them though - maybe picked a dozen (slugs and snails) from my hostas. Though as it was raining quite hard and I was getting very wet I only stayed out for 10 minutes.
26 Apr, 2015
I found a few yesterday under the leaves of Spanish bluebells.
26 Apr, 2015
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I split a helenium the other day and there was a nice fat one nestling underneath yuk! and a few baby ones :(
26 Apr, 2015