By Wildrose
United Kingdom
Would a visiting deer cause this type of damage?
Sweet pea flowers bitten off.
Roses and soft foliage completely eaten.
Geranium flowers missing.
It seems to be anything that is sweet smelling that has suffered.
Could there be another cause perhaps?
23 Jul, 2015
I can just imagine groundhogs in the UK! You could be right, there aren't many plants that deer won't eat - although it could be rabbits or mice.
23 Jul, 2015
Sounds like rabbits to me. Depends how high up the sweet peas are, though!
23 Jul, 2015
Roses are a favourite of deer and goats; I speak from experience.
23 Jul, 2015
You have no groundhogs in the UK? Why, your gardens don't know what they're missing out on. I have a young one that set up a dwelling underneath my garden shed improving the water drainage underneath to keep my shed floor dry so the groundhog and I have a quid pro quo going.... It gets a bit of my garden in exchange for keeping the floor dry and that's as good as it gets:)
23 Jul, 2015
Hi Loosestrife, thankfully we don't have groundhogs, which are rodents, and I understand they can do a lot of damage in a garden, what we do have are hedgehogs, which are insectivores, and a gardeners best friend, as they also eat slugs, I think I know which I would prefer, lol, Derek.
23 Jul, 2015
Thank you for this. I think we will have to consider some sort of protective fencing to keep the 'deer' out. I wish it was attracted to brambles and bindweed instead!
23 Jul, 2015
Hi Wildrose, yes it's 1 of the worlds mysteries, why these types of plant never seem to be bothered by animals, insects, or even disease, Derek.
24 Jul, 2015
Deer have an amazing sense of smell. Example: last month I trimmed two 3ft branches off a mulberry tree with just a few ripe berries on them and placed them in the woods bordering the back of my property. A few hours later there was one of the biggest bucks that I have ever seen munching the berries off of those twigs. So if your property allows deer to access it, then in most probability it was deer. But, I am not leaving the neighborly groundhog out of the equation either especially if deer cannot get onto your property.
23 Jul, 2015