By Birdtalk
United Kingdom
Can you paint a bird bath
Asked from the GoYpedia
bird baths page
25 Jul, 2010
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bird baths
I am talking about the part thry drink out of
25 Jul, 2010
oh right - well answer's the same, really, other than to say turn it on its side when you do it so no water gets on it. I repaint my bird table every autumn with spray gloss paint before putting it outside, and that includes the bit that has the seeds sitting in it.
25 Jul, 2010
i dont know how house hold paint would stand up to water on them all the time . if its maisonary then yes paint it .if its wood id paint it and varnish it myself .deends what the birdbaths made of realy .
25 Jul, 2010
I dunno, can you? No, sorry, being facetious - I guess if its made of stone and you use masonry paint, probably you can.
25 Jul, 2010