By Rosierose
United Kingdom
Upside down photos...
All the photos uploaded to posts by members are upside down today. Is it a GOY bug, or is it me...?
26 Mar, 2016
If you right click the mouse and choose view image once its on goy it turns right way up again.
26 Mar, 2016
The right click only works for some systems. I have Windows 10 & Internet Explorer, so naturally most solutions don't work.
26 Mar, 2016
And there's no right clicking on an iPad.
26 Mar, 2016
Guys, if you re-read my post, you'll see that I'm talking about photos that others have posted, not photos that I'm trying to post. :-/
As they're not my photos, I obviously can't do anything about it!
28 Mar, 2016
Cammomile, on an iPad though you can just turn the whole thing round when its on Goy so there's not much of a problem? (a bit tricky on a laptop...)
I wonder why Windows 10 leaves off a useful thinglike that Wylie? I've found so far in general that Linux and Windows usually do more or less the same things.
28 Mar, 2016
When I bought a new computer, I upgraded from the easy to use, but no longer supported, Vista XP. The "improvements" claimed by W10 are bewildering, and every time I try and to find how to do something, I get W7 answers. Since Firefox and Norton 360 aren't compatible, I've gone back to IE. I never had formal instruction on how to use a computer, so it has been a real learning experience on how to ask the right question to get the answer I need.
29 Mar, 2016
Very pleased you guys are talking about this subject. Will read all replies carefully then even I'll get it right - perhaps.
29 Mar, 2016
I have been having trouble recently with pics the wrong way round although they were ok before. I have a laptop & I found that if I only put them on individually they are ok but if I try to put multiple pics on they turn themselves around.Strange !
2 Apr, 2016
Previous question
I've found since I was given an iPad if I didn't hold it in a certain way (because it rotates the screen) the pictures come out upside down on this site. If my finger shows up in the viewfinder when I take a pic I turn it the other way round. Perhaps mine are coming out upside down too but no-one's said anything about it lately!
26 Mar, 2016