By Tonyl
United Kingdom
These have sprouted up in various locations in my garden, I presumed they were weeds but when I pulled one out it had a small bulb attached, have they been planted deliberately or are they a type of clover?

20 May, 2016
I'd say Oxalis too. Pretty but does spread a bit.
20 May, 2016
Won't grow for me! Has pretty pink flowers.
20 May, 2016
Thanks everyone, I've googled them and all the photos show them in clumps, the ones in my garden have been planted separately so I don't think they'll have the same effect, once they've flowered could I dig them up and place them together?
20 May, 2016
If they still have leaves you'll have to be careful not to damage too much root. But they should all spread into clumps before too long.
20 May, 2016
Deliberately planted. It looks like Oxalis "Iron cross".
20 May, 2016