By Hank
United Kingdom
Can I really not put toms and cucs adjacent in my greenhouse ? Sounds like an old wive's tale to me ! Oh Lord, I hope that was p.c. - or do I mean non- p.c. ?
23 May, 2016
I've never heard of that either, but I did have a lot of trouble with red spider mite on the cues and had to resort to organic "bugs" which feasted on them.
23 May, 2016
I believe that tomatoes are happier in a drier atmosphere, whereas cucumbers like a more moist one. A more moist atmosphere is supposed to control the spread of spider mites as regular misting seems to help.
23 May, 2016
I grow mine outdoors, but my MIL grows both together in a small greenhouse without problems. And she's an 'old wife'. :)
23 May, 2016
Thanks all, they go together as usual
23 May, 2016
I think the issue was how easily pathogens can be transferred from one plant to another and putting a wide space between plants was for preservation. Some people, like me, don't have a lot of space to work with.
23 May, 2016
Thanks B, I set my usual 12 toms which showed no signs of growing. Then I set 12 more to replace them and both lots grew ! So I'm crowded myself.
23 May, 2016
I did that too. Just 2 plants produce more tomatoes than I can possibly eat. My freezer was stocked with frozen tomato sauce and I was feeding the neighborhood. That was last year and I still have tomato seedlings popping up all over the place.
23 May, 2016
I've never heard that before Hank and have grown them together in the greenhouse for years.
23 May, 2016