By Johnjoe
My Ivy Geranium was in the greenhouse since late Autumn. It flowered for most of the winter and is looking tired and wore out. Should I cut it back to freshen it up. If so how far do I cut it back. I will without saying repot it with fresh compost. I will be most grateful for any advice on it.

13 May, 2017
Just what I was going to say! Cuttings from geraniums are easier to take than I thought - just keep the compost fairly dry. Good luck.
13 May, 2017
Thank you Steragram, and Sheilabub. Will do
13 May, 2017
I'd cut it back to about 2 inches, give it a good feed and water, then take cuttings from what you cut off. It would have been better to cut it back at least a month ago though, to give it time to recover.
I've got an ivy leaf pelargonium in a deep pot on my balcony - had it since 2010, and all I ever do is cut it right back in late March/early April, depending on the weather, feed it and let it regrow. Makes about six feet of growth by the end of summer, up a trellis.
13 May, 2017
That is brilliant Bamboo, Thank you
15 May, 2017
Is it ok to use rooting power on the cutting,
15 May, 2017
Not at all necessary Johnjoe. The important thing is to let the cut surfaces skin over before planting and keep the compost fairly dry until they've rooted. Don't leave too many leaves on the stem either, to cut down moisture loss from the rest of the leaves.
15 May, 2017
I would take a few cuttings from it and start off with fresh ones. The old ones will send out new shoots from lower down so you will win twice.
13 May, 2017