By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Frothy, white/pink flowers that look like blossom - any ideas? I'm grateful to those who told me about their favourite cherry trees, and now I'm looking for annuals or perennials to complement the trees. Thanks!
17 Feb, 2018
I have a rhizomatous plant in the garden called Filipendula hexapetala which is /has been evergreen and has frothy pinkish white flowers in spring. Are you looking for one or trying to identify what you have?
17 Feb, 2018
What months roughly Sheila, you can get white bergenia and I have a geranium sylvaticum alba, what about astrantia, but may be a bit late
17 Feb, 2018
Thank you Barbara and Daylily. I like the sound of the Filipendula - will Google it . . . sorry for the lack of clarity, no, this is not an ID question, just looking for ideas. I'll look at the geranium - good if it's a double - and I do like astrantia.
I'm not being specific about time of year (and have seed of Hesperis Matronalis which will be good if it works).
17 Feb, 2018
Have a look at gillenia trifoliata:-))
17 Feb, 2018
If there is enough sun, maybe baby's breath?
17 Feb, 2018
I have a white phlox which is quite frothy.
The Hesperis (Sweet Rocket) will be gorgeous and a great favourite with the butterflies. It self seeds and blooms in its second year.
17 Feb, 2018
Thanks again Daylily - I will (not sure, but might have had a Gillenia in my old garden).
Tug - thank you, but I can't remember the other name for baby's breath!
Thanks Penny, I do love white phlox too.
17 Feb, 2018
Gypsophilllia is baby's breath, annual and perennial species available. don't forget astilbes as they are similar to filipendula.
Gaura is also a possablity, the flowers seem to float on thin stems like butterflies. OH doesn't like them so I don't really grow them.
sent you a pm too. :o)
17 Feb, 2018
Thalictrum is nice too. There are several varieties including lilacy pink flowers.
17 Feb, 2018
These are great ideas Eileen (seaburn) and Sue (Stera)! I love Gaura and Thalictrum and will give Gypsophillia a try: many thanks :))
17 Feb, 2018
Parahebe. Nemesia, diascia, i do love Gillenia. I ordered some today, but fear I may have ordered already! Lol...I’ll end up with too many!
18 Feb, 2018
Thanks Karen - lovely suggestions :)
19 Feb, 2018
You're most welcome! :)
19 Feb, 2018
P.S. I once asked this on Gardeners Question Time, and the only plant they suggested was Tiarella - the only one! I'm sure GoY members can do much better . . .
17 Feb, 2018