By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
STOP PRESS! Just had ten bare-root Laurel planted as a hedge, and today the ground is frozen. They weren't watered in yesterday - should I give them water now??! Thank you!
28 Feb, 2018
Thanks Jimmy. Before I saw your answer, my husband had gone out with WARM water, saying that as the planting holes were only dug yesterday, the soil wouldn't be too compacted. So he tried giving the Laurels a good drink but thought the water only penetrated to about 2 inches.
We'll now wait for the thaw.
28 Feb, 2018
I agree with Jimmy. Frozen ground means there's at least some water in the ground already. It can wait a few days.
28 Feb, 2018
Many thanks Paul.
28 Feb, 2018
Luckily laurels tend to be pretty tough!
28 Feb, 2018
That’s a relief Penny, thanks!
28 Feb, 2018
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This is a difficult one but I would wait until the weekend is over when the snow and ice should have finished and then give a light watering in the middle of the week; just enough to make the loose soil moist.
28 Feb, 2018