By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I'm desperate to find tables or benches for my greenhouse. Preferably, metal although any durable ones will do. I can't find any at the big stores so I'm hoping GOY members can help. Many thanks. x
17 Apr, 2018
Hi, if you click the garden centre box, just below where it says ''your options'' it will take you to the garden centres who advertize on GoY, just click on where it says ''go to garden centre'' and then click on ''accessories'' itwill give you lots of options, just select greenhouse staging, and it will show you the different options available, Derek.
17 Apr, 2018
Hi Vicki, we have just bought metal ones (a shelf and staging) online from the greenhouse people, Alton. Plenty of fixing instructions given - good luck.
17 Apr, 2018
also don't forget places like amazon to get price comparisons.
17 Apr, 2018
I have a Robinsons' green aluminium greenhouse and they sell benches and shelves.
17 Apr, 2018
Whoever you bought your greenhouse from should have such accessories that will be the right size for yours.
17 Apr, 2018 - not cheap, but comprehensive and long-lasting
17 Apr, 2018
Look at your local 'Buy, swap and sell' pages on Facebook and ask if anyone has any.
18 Apr, 2018
I used plastic garden tables for a long time, found them easy to wipe down too, then someone we know gave me some staging but I think the garden table were better :o))
18 Apr, 2018
All my shelving comes from them old mini greenhouses, the one's that people buy for £20 or so, with the plastic covering.The plastic never lasts for a season or so. I have been given these by friends and neighbors over the years. Try boot sales.
19 Apr, 2018
Thank you to everyone for their suggestions. xx
19 Apr, 2018
I live in the US, but this is what I do.
1) Consignment Shop - a store that sells secondhand items.
2) Go onto 'Craigslist' and check out the 'free stuff' category or 'household items', 'office supplies',etc.
17 Apr, 2018