moles holes in the lawn!
By Lilac
United Kingdom
It is lucky we are not overly fussy about our lawn as we have a very persistant mole digging holes in it! At the moment every time a hole appears we stamp it back down but would like a more permanent solution to get the mole to move away! Does anyone have any ideas?
16 Aug, 2008
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Oh Kev - you couldn't!!!
What Kev really meant to say was, moles don't like vibration apparently and so you could try sticking those little kiddies windmill things in the hills - the wind turns the windmill, it vibrates, Mr Mole senses it and goes off to bother the neighbours instead. There, now that's much nicer, isn't it?!
16 Aug, 2008
lol def much nicer sid.
16 Aug, 2008
jack russells called ruby and reggie sort mine out. but the problem with that is the terriers dig bigger holes than the moles!!!!!
16 Aug, 2008
The answer is to grow euphorbias. In my new garden my lawn was ruined two years running. I planted euphorbias here and there, near the edges mainly, since when we have had no more of the little sweeties. The plants can be a little invasive if not kept in check but it's worth it. I tried vibrating mole deterrents with no success.
16 Aug, 2008
Hi. I have always used the annual Euphorbia lathyrus, but of course a good perennial would be Euphorbia cyparissus, which could run in your lawn for ever.
17 Aug, 2008
Thanks for all the advice. I think long term the planting of Euphorbia seems a good idea and in the short term we will try the kiddies windmills. My daughter will be against the rat trap idea!
17 Aug, 2008
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You could catch him then bury him ☺☺☺
but seriously set a normal Rat trap that will see him off they cant see well but there sense of smell is very powerful.bait the trap with any slugs or earth worms that you can find.
Hope this helps
16 Aug, 2008