West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Blueberry plants--a bewildering choice!
Can anyone recommend a good reliable variety please?
23 Mar, 2019
You'll need netting too - birds just sit around waiting for them to ripen enough.
24 Mar, 2019
Rapidly going off the idea! It's just that my daughter loves them and they are expensive but it sounds as though it's not worth trying to grow them without a fruit cage.
24 Mar, 2019
I have Ozarkblue which has been with me for 7 years. Last year nearly died in the drought as I didn't water it enough in its big pot. Its self-fertile and colours up beautifully in Spring and Autumn.
28 Mar, 2019
Although not a blueberry, raspberry Glencoe is my favourite for its many benefits - doesn't sucker, sweet berries, autumnal colour and stems and very productive.
28 Mar, 2019
Doesn't sucker?? Wow, wish I 'd known that before, thank you!
28 Mar, 2019
Why a bewildering choice?
RHS site has recommendations... etc.
In a small garden why not go for blackberries trained across a fence? Much tastier fruit, ridiculously easy to grow, UK native that's good for wildlife & that helps maximise your growing space & probably next week's internet superfood?
23 Mar, 2019