By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
I'm looking for ideas for a trailing perennial to grow in chimney pots, to give summer colour, would any of the rampant geraniums trail?
Thank you
13 May, 2019
Trailing verbena, petunias, annuals, stick some trailing ivy in there.
13 May, 2019
Trailing rosemary.
14 May, 2019
Lysimachia nummularia aurea (hope the spelling's right), common name Creeping Jenny. Stays quite flat so would need something taller in the middle. Sends out quite long trailers.
14 May, 2019
MBD's trailing Rosemary would be excellent. Will cope with the drought if you forget to water; would not die down in the winter, though might need protection in exposed areas, and you can use it for culinary purposes.
14 May, 2019
What about good old fashioned Nasturtiums? They will trail.
14 May, 2019
Good idea Arbuthnot! I have the Nasturtiums which were going elsewhere (but it's not made) and the chimney pot - so looks like that's it!
14 May, 2019
Thanks everyone, I was hoping to use a perennial, I will look at the suggestions thanks
14 May, 2019
Although not a perennial Dawn, trailing Verbena flowers all summer and often comes back the next year. How about strawberry plants?!
15 May, 2019
Thanks Sheila, I’ll have a google
16 May, 2019
Creeping phlox. I've got 8 in various pots, they tumble down the sides and look beautiful. They increase in size every year too. As a matter of interest, I've got two chimney pots but can only put flower pots in the tops of them as they have no bases.
18 May, 2019
Camomile, thank you, sounds exactly what I need. Yes, I've put plant pots in the tops of my pots too. Would the phlox be the stolonifera variety?
19 May, 2019
I don't know if they are stolonifera or subulata, I thought they were all the same. All of mine are trailing though, I've got six. I'll post some pictures, but they've nearly finished flowering now.
19 May, 2019
Thanks Cammomile, thinking about it, all phlox creep don’t they, I’m going to get some, looking forward to seeing your pictures
19 May, 2019
Not a true Geranium, but maybe Ivy Geranium (Pelargonium peltatum)?
13 May, 2019