By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Can anyone help me......What’s happening to my Clematis? Please x

2 Jun, 2019
In a pot, it look like the stems have been stripped by something? x The blobs are something that has fallen on the leaf :o)
2 Jun, 2019
How long's it been in the same pot? Looks to me like its run out of root room...
2 Jun, 2019
And snails will strip the bark from Clematis too!
2 Jun, 2019
my first thought was snails stripping the stems. the leaf mottling lack of nutrients.
2 Jun, 2019
Thanks for your info friends xx
2 Jun, 2019
I think it's snails stripping the stems too. They get my Clematis Princess Diana every year but I now use slug pellets.
3 Jun, 2019
I put it in a pot last year & it did ever so well but now I think I will put it in the ground :o))
Plus it is getting full sun where it is & beeing they like their roots cool I think the plastic pot must be getting hot.
your info has really helped me Thank You xx
4 Jun, 2019
I moved mine from a big concrete pot in full sun to a north facing cool spot by the fence and it's thriving (apart from me having to be on constant snail/slug patrol).
5 Jun, 2019
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I can't tell what the blobs are on the top leaf in the picture... is the plant in a pot or in the ground and how long have you had it?
2 Jun, 2019