By Rose1949
United Kingdom
In our new garden there is a pyracantha hedge which was in full blossom in the Spring , but not one single berry now! Why is that ?
29 Sep, 2019
Lack of pollination is the answer. I find it odd because the bees are all over mine in the spring. With my viburnums, I have to get out there with a small paint brush to transfer pollen from one bush to another (I use an artist's paintbrush). They bloom even before the bees emerge from their hives, but this method gives me giant clusters of berries in the fall. However, the robins gobbled up all the berries already. They really go at it with vigor until every last berry is gone. I did snag a couple photos which you'll find in my gallery.
29 Sep, 2019
Birds? Blackbirds love the berries.
29 Sep, 2019
We had three different Pyracantha in our last garden. They flowered beautifully, but in 20 odd years I don't think we ever got a berry on any of them. Never did figure out why.
29 Sep, 2019
I have a Pyracantha hedge all along the front of our property. This has to be kept low so that we can see to get out on the road - never thought of that when I planted it! There is probably 60 ft or more of hedge which I cut with a pair of secateurs in the Spring so that I don't remove the flowers and again during the Summer so I don't remove the berries! Time consuming but it is covered with berries which the mice usually have a go at before the birds. You can tell it's the mice as there are little bits everywhere under the hedge. It is smothered with berries so I didn't have a problem with pollination, it has to fend for itself, never gets watered and is against the road verge.
29 Sep, 2019
I would be inclined to go along with OB. This year I noticed that there were hundreds of bumble and honey bees along with loads of hover flies so I would discount pollination unless there was a problem with the weather that went on for weeks. I wonder if the cultivar is to blame. From what I have read, you are not on your own with this problem. I would say they you might just have to stick with it. The other alternative if you wanted to re-plant, would be to buy plants that already have berries. Just only my take on it.
29 Sep, 2019
And one other thing. Take care when you prune it. I found that every thorn puncture from the ones we had, went septic.
29 Sep, 2019
That's why mine is now a 'has been'. Replaced it with a hydrangea.
29 Sep, 2019
Honeysuckle however do you find the patience to cut all that hedge with secateurs?
30 Sep, 2019
My thoughts entirely, Stera!
My cousin has pyracanthas all along a wall. She prunes them every other year after flowering but usually has a good display of berries, better in the non-prune year though.
30 Sep, 2019
Im the same. My young pyracantha flowered well for the first time this year, but has not grown any berries. Must have been the weather washing them away (the flowers) same as my apple trees this year.
30 Sep, 2019
Thanks Bamboo. I haven't touched the hedge since we moved in to our new home as I was waiting to see if we would get berries. We have had quite a dry summer , so maybe its down to that ! We had pyracantha at the last house which had blossom and no berries. So..a mystery !
Bathgate, I think it had to be the pollination as I can't think of anything other than the dry summer. When we did have rain, it was short torrential bursts.
Arbuthnot No , it wasn't the birds !
Owdboggy. I think its just going to be one of those mysterys of gardening !
Ours is the same Honeysuckle, on the roadside and never watered.
I think it would be very difficult Jimmy to replace a very long hedge ! looks like I have started a debate here Karen !
30 Sep, 2019
Rose,I have always used Secateurs to prune both mine,and have only had an occasional year without Berries,in the 17 years I have had them,and that was when they needed a more drastic prune with shears ,to Honeysuckle,I can be selective as to where to prune at other times..I never water mine either :o) x
1 Oct, 2019
I have pruned the street side of the hedge Sandra and used pruners and the loppers on thick branches, but the garden side I haven't touched yet.
2 Oct, 2019
Be sure to use thick gardening gloves - those spikes got me every time.
2 Oct, 2019
Thank you Bathgate, I have some gloves that reach my elbows.
7 Oct, 2019
First thing to ask is did you cut it back during flowering, or any time during the late spring/summer? If so, the growths which flowered may have been removed.
Other causes; poor or no pollination taking place, although if you had masses of flowers, it seems unlikely there were absolutely no pollinating insects around, except that a spell of wet and windy weather when the flowers were present might have meant that there were actually no pollinating insects flying. Equally, if you had very dry weather during and after the flowers had been present, its possible the plant gave up trying to make berries because it was in drought, so none were formed. I'm assuming the shrub itself looks healthy otherwise...
29 Sep, 2019