By Celiamaud
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant? Pale yellow, six petals, fine allium-like foliage.

25 Apr, 2020
Looks like one of the "Baby Gladiolus" (G. x colvillei hybrids) to me.
25 Apr, 2020
Thanks for suggestions. I had considered gladiolus, but will investigate further.
26 Apr, 2020
It does look like a gladioli - or Dietes?
26 Apr, 2020
I'm going with Gladiolus aureus at present. However, I'm a bit doubtful: the plant is South African and not frost-hardy yet stood outside in its pot all through the winter. On the other hand, this is a sheltered, walled garden on the Solway Coast and we only had a couple of mild frosts so maybe it wasn't affected by that.
26 Apr, 2020
G. aureus? Hmm...I'm still going with G. x colvillei, probably 'Albus', or a close cousin.
26 Apr, 2020
looks like one of the species gladioli but not 100% sure.
25 Apr, 2020