By Whistonlass
Merseyside, United Kingdom
I saw this plant/shrub at the garden centre yesterday but there were no identifying tags.....wondering about it for a planter and also the name if anyone can help. Ta very much.
- 11 Sep, 2010
Now reclassified under Gaultheria, think this one's procumbens, I can't remember, its all too much, lol!
11 Sep, 2010
Really ?
Opps, sorry for the wrong info Wl :-(
11 Sep, 2010
Don't worry about it, Louise - I only found out when I googled Pernettya recently. Drives you bonkers, all this reclassification, that DNA discovery has a lot to answer for, lol
11 Sep, 2010
You'll need male and female, too, for the berry show, I think. Phil J
11 Sep, 2010
Hmmm....male and female needed? I'll show my ignorance will I know which is which? Be gentle with me....just a 'newbie' in all things gardening! And also wondered about container for this plant....would it do ok rather than being in the ground?
11 Sep, 2010
The plant you have is female (hence the berries). Male plants can be bought very cheaply under the name "Mascula", not a real variety name, just male plants that flower and look almost the same as the various female selected clones but a bit "scruffier" looking......don't say it ladies! However, the male flowers just release pollen. Again ladies.....don't!....Lol
11 Sep, 2010 Aww....that's the secret...look for the berries....sorted! Ta very much.
11 Sep, 2010
"A bit scruffier... than the females" well, I could have a field day with that, Fractal, but I'll restrain myself to no change there then when it comes to male anything...
12 Sep, 2010
Why don't you try planting them in a pot of acid soil and settling it into the ground, Louise, then you can keep it fed with acid feed as well. They're so pretty. I always thought these were Pernettya, and when I saw one labelled Gaultheria I thought they'd got the wrong label on! It drives you mad, as you say Bamboo! Why can't they leave things alone? Annie
17 Sep, 2011
Why don't you try planting them in a pot of acid soil and settling it into the ground, Louise, then you can keep it fed with acid feed as well. They're so pretty. I always thought these were Pernettya, and when I saw one labelled Gaultheria I thought they'd got the wrong label on! It drives you mad, as you say Bamboo! Why can't they leave things alone? Annie
17 Sep, 2011
Previous question
I like these, they're Pernettya.
Infact i love the pink ones - would have a big display but they need acid soil and there's no way they'll get it here :-((((
It's far too alkaline :-((((
11 Sep, 2010