By Lubeelu
United Kingdom
Need advice on growing ornamental grasses
I'm planning a small bed at the front of the house for next year, which I'm planning on filling with grasses, dotted with heleniums and verbena boniarensis. I think. Anyway, I've never grown grasses before, and the effect I'm going for is fairly dependant on keeping the clumps of different grasses as just that - clumps. What's the best way to achieve this? Am I right in thinking that grasses are likely to self seed and spread, meaning that in a few years all the different clumps have formed one mess of various grasses? I would grow the grasses in individual pots and create a display that way, but as it's the front garden (and right next to a path with no fencing) I think they'd probably go wandering fairly quickly!
Does anyone have any ideas? Also, any suggestions for attractive types of grass are welcome.
11 Sep, 2010
How bizarre - I've just come across that quite by accident! But thanks :)
11 Sep, 2010
youre welcome
11 Sep, 2010
Size of plot to begin with Lubeelu ?
Most of the best ornamental grasses will only self seed moderately, these can be easily weeded out when they appear, and most are clump forming. Cultivars of Miscanthus sinensis, Panicum virgatum, for height. Pennisetum alopecuroides, medium, Carex, Haconechloa, Festuca, for something lower growing, the list is endless...
11 Sep, 2010
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have a look at the blog by bluespruce. he posted it today. he is your man lubeelu.
11 Sep, 2010