By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Great new garden tool. I needed a new tool for cutting grass along the edges and for awkward places. Am ashamed to admit I had been using old kitchen scissors but unsurprisingly they had given up the ghost. These Spear & Jackson are ones I purchased and they are great for my little hands and very sharp. Thought I’d share. Have a great weekend.

9 Jul, 2021
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garden tools
I have a similar pair pair that have a rotating dead so they can be used on soft hedging.
I have a pair of long handled ones that are just too short for OH so I tend to do all the edges.
9 Jul, 2021
Bamboo, the long handed ones have never worked for me. I like to get down to the ground and pull up weeds, and grass that has tried to sneak into the borders!
9 Jul, 2021
Amsterdam, I too use kitchen scissors on my very long grass at the end of summer. They enable me to see what's at the base and do the job better than shears or the scythe I bought. Only a small area of grass thankfully. Those Spear and Jackson ones look useful.
10 Jul, 2021
I have this tool & it is so useful all round the garden. As Sbg says, its head can be turned & used either flat or vertical.
14 Jul, 2021
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Good lord, you've been using scissors to do the lawn edges? I'm staggered, I'd be crippled if I had to bend down to do all that - those scissors you've bought are good, but can I ask why you don't use long handled lawn edging shears?
9 Jul, 2021