United Kingdom
Which flowers do members find are bee/insect magnets? In our garden it's purple toadflax and luckily it self-seeds all over the sunny and semi-shaded areas.
21 Aug, 2021
Nasturtiums draw them in, plus foxgloves & borage. All self seeders and easy
22 Aug, 2021
Nepeta is often crammed full of bees.Broad bean flowers too if you can squeeze a few in somewhere!
But all this years bees have been little ones and no honey bees or bumbles. I see Monsanto are still fighting against the ban on nicotinides...
22 Aug, 2021
For me, it's veronica - bees are all over it.
22 Aug, 2021
Scabious, Purple Origano, Astrantia Major and creeping Tymes. Bumbles, Honeys and Hover Flies have been all over them. My Cotoneaster Cornubia was smothered when it came into flower.
22 Aug, 2021
Nasturtium, jasmine, fuchsia, lavender and echinops. Lots of bumble bees, honeys bees, hoverflies and butterflies. They seem to especially like the blue flowering plants in my garden over everything else so lavender and echinops are a firm favourite.
22 Aug, 2021
In my garden this year I have had a myriad of pollinators but not many honeybees. The bumblebees have been very busy on the cotoneaster horizontalis and my blueberry bushes and have rolled around drunkenly in the poppies of all kinds. They and lots of other insects enjoyed the ceanothus and the single flowered roses especially rosa complicata. At present the main attraction is the lavender and hardy geranium rozanne, which has been flowering profusely since May. I think this geranium has been voted 'Flower of the Century' but can't remember whether ir was by the RHS. Anyway, having seen how popular it was with the bees last year I bought 2 more this year and the bees are very happy.
22 Aug, 2021
That's a good long list. Thanks everyone.
24 Aug, 2021
I find that Eryngiums (several bees on each flower head!), Echinops, Salvias, Lavenders, Agapanthus and Sedums. Bees do seem to like blue flowers a lot in my garden.
25 Aug, 2021
I've got the biggest purple toadflax this year in my garden and they have been smothered in bumble bees. I haven't seen any honey bees at all.
25 Aug, 2021
I haven't seen honey bees since spring; lots of little bees (can't identify)and bumble bees. Not seen any wasps either and we usually get the odd one trying to escape the house..
25 Aug, 2021
Rose Moss (Portulaca grandiflora), Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima), Basil flowers, Coreopsis, and Texas Sage (Leucophyllum species and hybrids). There's a host of others, but I can't remember all of them without help.
30 Aug, 2021
that and echinops, echinacea, helenium, monarda, scabious, phlox to name a few. Sedums when they start to flower and ivy in the winter months.
21 Aug, 2021