By Hank
United Kingdom
Me again guys, now have to set a quick growing hedg, eventually about 1 ft taller than the wall. Haven’t a clue. The wall is 30 feet long. Have got all the weeds out and dug the soil which is pretty awful. Was thinking I could dig holes for the plants and fill them with decent soil.
Need suggestions for everything - the plants and where to get them, the spacing, and anything else I should know.

4 Sep, 2021
do you want evergreen or deciduous? how often do you want to cut it? do you want flowers?
sorry about the questions.
privet is good especially the small leafed ones.Beech, hawthorn, blackthorn, escalonia, redcurrant, forsythia, euyonomous [spelling?], pyracantha.
google hedging plants and you will get several suggested suppliers and they will come in various sizes.
I am sure you would get plenty of other suggestions. check their rate of growth etc.
4 Sep, 2021
I have found Taxus (yew) makes a superb hedge and grows quicker than you might think. Suppliers on line will suggest the spacing required and sizes that you can purchase (Bare rooted will probably be least expensive). Firstly I wouldn't make holes with special soil as the roots will tend to remain and not spread. Secondly try not to plant too close to your wall so you leave plenty of space for foliage between them and the wall.
4 Sep, 2021
Thanks guys, I have almost 3 feet so can keep them away from the wall.. but as I said I know nothing and rely on you. I look forward to more suggestions
4 Sep, 2021
And I’m sure I can’t grow them in the present soil which is pretty awful.
4 Sep, 2021
Deciduous or evergreen ok, don’t want flowers and happy cut it.
4 Sep, 2021
Griselinia (New Zealand Privet) is evergreen, has attractive apple green foliage. Easily clipped to keep it at a manageable height.
4 Sep, 2021
I have a similar frontage on my plot, I planted yew, be 2 years in October, I bought young ones, ordered from my local garden centre, all 20 have survived, go me! I chose yew as a friend has a lovely hedge of it, along her drive. I've not cut it back yet but it's nearly at the height I want so I will soon. It only requires once or twice a year cutting. I will do a pic in daylight. Gl.
4 Sep, 2021
Thanks w.g. I look forward to seeing the pic.
4 Sep, 2021
I think an Incrediball Hydrangea hedge would be stunning.They aren't so floppy like Annabelle. Space them 5 feet apart. They grow to 5 feet tall. The only down side - they drink water like it was going out of style. If you can keep up with the watering or if you get lots of rain, it's mesmerizing to look at in full bloom. It will hold onto its flowers through the winter.
4 Sep, 2021
Are box hedging plants suitable ? Looks like what I envisaged. Can buy these 15-20cms tall but will they grow quickly or are these not really suitable ? And do I need about 25 for a 15 ft length ?
5 Sep, 2021
Box would have been just the ticket but is now in danger of infection by box blight. However there is Euonymus Jean Hughes which is similar - maybe worth a look -grows slowly so not much upkeep. There is also Ilex crenata, its a holly but has tiny non prickly leaves and grows very slowly. Its a rather dull green though - the Euonymus is a bit more cheerful. I bought some small hedging plants from Hedges Direct once (small was the word, but was what I wanted at the time) and could recommend them. In fact you might enjoy looking at their site before deciding on whatever you're thinking about. They will advise on spacing if you ask.
5 Sep, 2021
Lonicera Baggesons Gold is a reasonably fast growing evergreen(well yellow) hedging plant. Easy to come by. Does need cutting at least twice a year though.
5 Sep, 2021
SBG's advice concerning Box hedging is spot on. You could spend several years growing this shrub only to find it failed due to Box Blight. Just one other consideration; don't grow a hedge with large leaves that you will want to cut regularly as half cut leaves on an hedge does not look good.
5 Sep, 2021
I got rid of my Box hedge last year - no regrets. Box blight gave it a mangy appearance. It's high maintenance, grows quickly and needs constant pruning, clipping, then raking and disposing of the clippings - lots of work! Virginia Creeper was a nightmare to remove from becoming entwined. I think Yew is a better choice.
5 Sep, 2021
Thank goodness I asked about box hedging. And thanks for your suggestions.
5 Sep, 2021
Down the road from where I live the new residents planted a Griselinia hedge in their front garden a few years ago. I enquired what it was as I did not recognise the plants. It has grown lovely and I always admire it when I go by. As Shirley Tulip says, it is evergreen and a lovely apple green colour.
5 Sep, 2021
Just a word about the suggestion of using blackthorn. It depends very much on where you live. Here it is a menace and runs everywhere, yards away from the parent plant. Also it is very thorny, which you might not want so near the footpath. (Sorry Eileen...)
5 Sep, 2021
Pieris, Forest Flame makes a nice hedge. There are a few round here and they look good. Its evergreen and the new shoots are red. It's easily cut back too.
6 Sep, 2021
I posted a pic/blog months ago of a Photinia hedge - looked lovely growing behind a brick wall. The green and red leaf colouring is attractive, plus it looked so tidy when clipped.
6 Sep, 2021
Thanks very much, will check those out.
9 Sep, 2021
I'll just stick my oar in as well and suggest NOT Pyracantha! It's a lovely shrub, can be kept to the right height, with white flowers and berries which come in different colours. Sounds ideal, doesn't it? So I thought when I planted it along the front of our garden, but it grows long shoots so we can't see to get out of the gate, needs cutting a lot, have to be careful when you cut or you will not have flowers/berries. And.. it's spiteful with long spines that have punctured more than one wheel barrow! Apart from that - ideal.
11 Sep, 2021
Sorry, it’s 15 feet kong. ( good start ) !
4 Sep, 2021