By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Hi there - I've been absent with other things going on in the family but am looking forward to the spring with the first snowdrops appearing.... I did have a question and wondered if you come give me some suggestions. I'm after a few climbers to grow against a trellis in a north facing, exposed location. Have ruled out ivy and virginia creeper as I'm over run with that in garden. Clematis never survives in my garden. Have been told that climbing hydrangea prefers to climb up a wall as they have suckers to stick to a flat surface. No to pyracantha I've got lots of that as well. Was thinking of a honeysuckle or star jasmine? Would be grateful for any other suggestions.

30 Jan, 2022
Thanks Jimmytheone. I've got stump killers on the stumps but that will take a while to disintegrate! I have dug up spaces between the stumps which provides a limited planting space I suppose. I will cover the ground this summer with annuals. I have planted pyracantha in another exposed area of my garden and it has struggled and doesn't provide any berries but will have a look at different varieties.
30 Jan, 2022
We had Hydrangea petiolaris growing against a fence in our last house and it thrived quite happily. Mimulus (hop) also covers a fence very quickly!
30 Jan, 2022
Hop is Humulus?
31 Jan, 2022
Yes probably … did I make a mistake with the name?
1 Feb, 2022
I don't think Trachelospermum Jasminoides (Star Jasmine) would be suitable on a North-facing fence. Something that would thrive in that aspect would be Pyracantha. You could train several plants along the fence (espallier style) and remove any branches that grew forward. Lots of different coloured berries for Winter interest and wouldn't become too vigorous as Honeysuckle. Just as an second thought which you might look at, is to see if you can remove the roots of your Laurels first if possible. (Sorry to be a kill-joy).
30 Jan, 2022