By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
I wonder if people on the GoYpedia team … Andrew? Terra? could talk to Dave and ask him to find a technical wizard who might solve our problems?
As some of us are able to upload photos and others aren’t, it can’t be massively difficult to fix … just guessing.
11 Mar, 2022
Thanks Sue, it’s maddening isn’t it. But I’ve enjoyed this site for so long that I’m not going anywhere …
11 Mar, 2022
Nor I, most of us feel the same way...
11 Mar, 2022
This is my method.
Open the photo with Microsoft Office
Select option Pictures, then option Compress
Use option Compress for Documents
Save the compressed file
It then uploads on to GOY (for me)
11 Mar, 2022
Thankyou Andrew much appreciated, I will try anything....
11 Mar, 2022
I just added a photo with no trouble at all.
12 Mar, 2022
All my photos are on my iPhone and computer many uploaded wirelessly from Nikon camera. I just select the login button then click add photo. Click choose file that takes me to photos and I just choose the photo that I want.
Infuriating that you choose contact and keep getting the same message that there is a fault with grows on you try later. If you are admin reading this please say hi. I will them be able to forward the problems directly to someone I know . If not there must be clever wizz people out there. I don’t mind paying a few quid to keep you ladies and gents happy. What I can’t understand is the home page still advertises Growsonyou sister site Ispyabird and this disbanded a few years ago. I wonder if admin on here have been taken ill and are unable to run gou. Maybe ransom ware virus. I mentioned to another member if it looks like this site is folding up if we had permission from admin we help run it as a cooperative admin or move to Facebook and start the group there but having more than one admin person. Groups work better with everyone working in unison and consolidating all of your good ideas together.
I am trying my hardest to sort out your problems to keep the group as you know it open. I have my hospital appointment early in morning . As can’t contact admin vi contact I will speak via here. Stay safe and stay well every body regards Tommy
13 Mar, 2022
If it moved to Facebook that would be the end of me. I don't do Faceache.
13 Mar, 2022
No - moving to Facebook would be unthinkable. At least on GoY we are all gardeners and can help each other. I still love this site despite the problems!
13 Mar, 2022
Please don't move to facebk - too many complications. Just a normal site is great.
13 Mar, 2022
i do use FB as most of you know, my family are on there, its a great way to stay in touch and was a godsend in recent years, I am in gardening groups, many of us are, so we know we won't lose contact, yes I enjoy them, I found them a few years back when I could not access my goy for months, I was lonely, when I did get help it was because a lovely member on here managed to send a message to admin on my behalf ( Thanks Stera) ... However no way would Goy work on there, not only that, some people either don't like it, trust it or cannot work it, bit like me not trusting, Instagram, TikTok and whatever else is out there, I don' t blame them, it really did take me years to accept it .
The options above are simply suggestions that we're hoping we DO NOT need, so please don't panic, hopefully Dave will either see this post or Tommy's email and at least then we could possibly have a solution, the person Tommy knows is what I'd class as an expert but without managing contact we are still stuffed to put it bluntly, its not up to me to say who it is , that's Tommy's private business... If anybody has any other ideas or knows anyone else, as Tommy put it "Whizz Kid "to help then please feel free to ask them.....
As the saying goes " The Gods helps those as help themselves"..
13 Mar, 2022
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Dave said in his reply to our emails that they had found somebody but said person was busy at the moment, not a lot of good to us is it Sheila, I keep trying and have resized lots of my photo's yet still they will not upload...Sue
11 Mar, 2022